I stand on the eve of a monumental achievement. After a long effort of four years, I finished my first novel- Ragnarok. It is a science fiction satire based in a fictional world just like us. There were a lot of questions around Ragnarok and I chose to answer some of them. The most common one was, why Ragnarok? Those who know me, know about my obsession with Hindu Mythology but still for the first novel, I chose a title with Norse Mythology.
To those wondering, my Ragnarok is not about mythology. It is a science fiction satire based in a modern world. The only thing related to the old mythology is the title of the book and the chartered name of the secret society planning on world domination.
Brothers will fight
and kill each other,
sisters' children
will defile kinship.
It is harsh in the world,
whoredom rife
—an axe age, a sword age
—shields are riven—
a wind age, a wolf age—
before the world goes headlong.
No man will have
mercy on another
If we look at modern world, I believe we are fighting the same old battle against God. We are perfecting the world that was given to us by making better roads, better houses and better lives by destroying nature. At the same time the nature is turning unpredictable; we have seen increase in natural calamities. It is resisting our efforts. That according to me is modern Ragnarok.
No other mythology comes closer to this moment. Essentially, Ragnarok leaves the end hanging. All other culture show that Gods obviously win but in Ragnarok, the end is indecisive. Sometimes the Titans win and sometimes the Gods. Norse Ragnarok talks about the triumph over the most powerful force in the Universe. My Ragnarok deals with modern humans, scientist and researchers, trying to take over nature.
The story is same, the titans are new. US. Humans. Between this battle of Humans and Gods, which side will you choose?

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